INtegrate is a wellness initiative that promotes healthy living throughout the school district. The program consists of NuStart Personal Coaching with an emphasis on nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management. INtegrate also collaborates with the district to implement wellness policies and provide resources for teachers, staff, and the community.

NuStart Personal Coaching
for Lafayette School Corporation employees and dependents
Sign up for in-person or virtual coaching today!

New! You can now have access to all of our healthy living resources by requesting a link to our educational content site.
Just send an email to [email protected] and enter “Request Resources” in the subject line.

What’s available:

  • NuStart’s EAT Manual
  • Recipes
  • Handouts
  • Healthy living videos
2023 LSC Events Guide
LSC Discount Guide


Share how our staff and students promote healthy living by using #LSCINtegrate.