• All over-the-counter medications given at school

    must be accompanied by a signed and dated parent permission stating the name of the medication, dose, days, time and route to be given. The permission is good for only the current school year.


  • All prescription medication to be administered at school must also have a signed and dated medical provider permission and a signed parent permission to give at school including name of medication, dose, days, time and route to be given. The permission is good for only the current school year.


  • All medications sent to school must be in the original container in which it was purchased and have the most current date.


  • All medications must be FDA approved.


  • Any medication that is possessed by the school must be picked up by the parent or a parent-designated responsible adult who is 18 years or older. A student in grades nine-12 may take the medication home if the parent provides written permission for the student to do so.


  • Only emergency medications such as an asthma inhaler or EpiPen may be possessed by the student if the following conditions are met:


  1. The nature of the disease or medical condition requires emergency administration of the medication.

  2.  The student’s physician states in writing that the student has an acute or chronic condition for which the medication was prescribed for.

  3. The physician has instructed the student in self-administration of the medication.

  4. The student’s parent has given written permission for the student to possess the medication on their person.