Health Services Guidelines
The Health Services program follows the IN State Department of Health laws and recommendations and the Indiana State Department of Education recommendations and is under the direction of the school administration, school physician and the school nurses.
Student Health Conditions
Parents are responsible for informing the school nurse each new school year of any medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, severe allergy that may affect the student’s functioning and welfare at school. The health history is done online during registration. If it is a serious chronic health condition, the school nurse would like a personal visit with the parent to further understand the condition and, when necessary, create a health care plan for that school year. This health care plan is shared with pertinent staff so all involved with the student can provide safe care.
Students who are ill or seriously injured prior to the school day should be kept home until improved, which would include being fever-free (without the aid of a fever-reducing medication and vomiting free for 24 hours or released by a physician. Please do not send an ill or injured student to school to be diagnosed by the school nurse.
For students who have had a major injury or major surgery The school nurse needs to have a doctor’s release for the student to return to school that includes directions for activity restrictions and care instructions while in the school environment.
For students who have been diagnosed with a communicable disease requiring an antibiotic prescription, they must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school. Proof of medical treatment must be presented to the nurse before the student will be readmitted to school.
A student who is ill or injured during the school day should report to the nurse in the health office for assessment. If students become too ill or seriously injured during the school day to remain in school, a reasonable effort will be made to contact parents. PLEASE BE CERTAIN THAT EMERGENCY INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE. Parents are responsible for both transportation and for all follow-up care. If a sudden possibly life-threatening condition should occur, immediate safety of the student is the school first concern. Ambulance transportation to a hospital will be arranged. Parents will be contacted as soon as possible. The parent is responsible for cost of all medical care and other services associated with the accident. The school does not provide health insurance for students.
Conditions usually requiring exclusion from school include:
Temperature of 100 degrees F or higher
Severe sore throat
Persistent cough
Vomiting and/or diarrhea
Severe headache
Undiagnosed rash or skin infection
Undiagnosed red and/or draining eyes
Lice (untreated or severe)
Scabies (untreated or severe)
Injury making it hazardous to be in school
Draining bodily fluids that cannot be contained
Any illness that results in a need for care that is greater than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
During the school year, the school nurse may speak to students regarding cleanliness and healthful hygiene habits. Student may be checked for pestilence and skin disorders. Students are to be clean when sent to school and may be excluded under State Department of Health regulations if good hygiene is disregarded.
Attendance, absences and medical excuse
For an absence to be “exempt” due to medical reasons, documentation from a currently licensed medical or dental doctor is required. Such documentation must be presented to the school office upon return to school.
Severe allergy conditions
LSC recognizes the needs of the growing number of LSC students with potentially life-threatening food allergies and harmful food intolerances. To address these needs, the following processes have been established:
An emergency health plan is written for the student with a diagnosed severe allergy.
Parents are asked to provide an EpiPen if their child has been diagnosed with a severe allergy.
An allergy-free food table is offered in the cafeteria if parents choose this option.
A doctor's signature is required stating foods that should be avoided so the student is not served foods that could potentially cause a reaction.
A stock EpiPen is available in each health office to be used per our LSC physician standing order if an unknown food allergic reaction arises.
Pertinent cafeteria staff, teachers and bus drivers are made aware of students with specific allergies.